Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's Inauguration

William Gavin, a speechwriter for ex-President Richard Nixon, remarked that there isn’t really any point to inaugural address. Of course they help inspire the people, but what do they inspire them to think about? “The national desire to be inspired, to be uplifted, to be made to feel deeply, to be swept away every four years, is the mark of citizens who have forgotten that the major goal of political rhetoric should be to argue clearly, to make distinctions, not to blur them, as most eloquence does.” Gavin’s idea proposes that inaugural speeches can also make people forget about the political goals set for the president. “I think the greatest benefit our new president could make is to announce at his inaugural that he will not make State of the Union addresses before Congress (not to mention the assembled Supreme Court!) in the annual ritual of marathon, usually mindless, slogan-filled, applause-line speechifying, but instead send a written message.” Gavin hopes that Obama could meaningfully inspire the audience, and leave a long lasting impression to make people know and be aware that all political goals will be achieved.
I hope Obama will have a plan for improving the economy. Although he talks about raising taxes as a necessity for helping the economy, I hope they aren’t raised too much. People, these days, need money to eat.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Reducing Time and Space

Dr. Ghosh uses the program called skype to interact and spend time with his wife and kids who live 9,000 miles away in New Zealand. Dr. Ghosh lives in his Philadelphia office and never has time to take a trip to New Zealand. Therefore, skype, as well as other programs (AIM, MSN, etc.) helps people reduce the time and distance away from each other. Dr. Ghosh’s wife is an assistant professor at the University of Otago in New Zealand.
“‘Families today are undergoing all sorts of strains that didn’t exist before and are simply having to adjust to make things work,’ said David Popenoe, co-director of the National Marriage Project at Rutgers University, who says the challenging economy may force more couples into commuter marriages for the sake of a paycheck.” I definitely agree with David’s statement and strongly recommend that families use programs like skype to keep them together. However, I prefer other programs like AIM and OOVOO to help keep families together. OOVOO is highly recommended because one can keep in touch with more than one person at the same time.